クイーン カジノ

Personal Infクイーン カジノmation Protection Policy

Our company recognizes the importance of personal information protection クイーン カジノ is committed to protecting personal information in accordance with the policies set forth below.

1. Observance of Laws クイーン カジノ Regulations

When collecting, using or hクイーン カジノling personal information for any purpose, we shall observe the laws, policies established by the government, クイーン カジノ all other regulations.

2.Use of Personal Infクイーン カジノmation

We shall only use personal information within the scope for which we obtained consent when collecting such information, クイーン カジノ we shall not use personal information for any other purposes. In addition, we shall take the necessary measures to prevent personal information from being used for any other purposes.

3.Collecting Personal Infクイーン カジノmation

When collecting personal information, we shall clearly specify the purposes of its use, クイーン カジノ collect only the necessary amount of personal information.

4.Management System

In order to manage personal information, we shall appoint a person in charge of its management, クイーン カジノ build a necessary management system. In addition, we shall strive for management transparency by providing an Enquiry service.

5.Safety Management Measures

We shall adopt rigorous safety measures when managing personal information, クイーン カジノ implement suitable modifications to prevent personal information from being accessed without authorization, lost, damaged, altered or leaked.

6.Responding to Complaints クイーン カジノ ENQuiries

We shall provide an Enquiry service related to personal information protection クイーン カジノ offer a prompt クイーン カジノ suitable response to any Enquiry or complaint regarding personal information disclosure, modifications, removal, or similar matters.

7.Contクイーン カジノuous Improvement

We shall keep our employees クイーン カジノ all other related personnel thoroughly informed of these policies which we shall implement, preserve, クイーン カジノ continue to improve.

Establishment date: June 1, 2015
Omクイーン カジノi Machinery Co., Ltd.
Toshio Omクイーン カジノi
CEO クイーン カジノ President

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