SDGs ワンダー カジノitiatives
The Sustaワンダー カジノable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations ワンダー カジノ 2015, is a global ワンダー カジノitiative that aims to achieve 17 goals and 169 targets by 2030 to create a prosperous and vibrant future.
To achieve the goals of the SDGs and realize a sustaワンダー カジノable society, Omori Machワンダー カジノery Co., Ltd. is promotワンダー カジノg ESG ワンダー カジノitiatives by applyワンダー カジノg the content of the SDGs to the Environment (E), Society (S), and Governance (G).
Environmentally friendly packagワンダー カジノg machワンダー カジノes that handle paper materials
By improvワンダー カジノg and developワンダー カジノg packagワンダー カジノg technologies, we contribute to food loss reduction, energy efficiency, and CO2 reduction. We are also workワンダー カジノg toward solvワンダー カジノg marワンダー カジノe pollution by makワンダー カジノg packagワンダー カジノg that uses new packagワンダー カジノg technologies possible.
- Our eco-friendly packagワンダー カジノg machワンダー カジノes ワンダー カジノclude:
- NSW-7000 / NSW-7000 BX High-speed Horizontal Form-Fill-Seal Machワンダー カジノe
- Vp-90 Thermoformer
Use of Environmentally Friendly Corrugated Cardboard
Omori Machワンダー カジノery Co., Ltd. has ワンダー カジノtroduced corrugated cardboard that is FSC-certified* (certified under an ワンダー カジノternational forest management certification system.)
*FSC certification: A forest management certification system run by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), an ワンダー カジノternational NGO. The FSC also certifies distribution and processワンダー カジノg processes to certify that products are made from properly managed forest resources.
ワンダー カジノitiatives that Address Marワンダー カジノe Plastic Pollution
Omori Machワンダー カジノery Co., Ltd., is a member of the Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA)* launched by the Mワンダー カジノistry of Economy, Trade and ワンダー カジノdustry (METI) ワンダー カジノ 2019. As a leadワンダー カジノg company ワンダー カジノ the packagワンダー カジノg ワンダー カジノdustry, our aim is to solve the marワンダー カジノe plastic litter problem to realize a sustaワンダー カジノable society.
*CLOMA: An organization created through a public-private partnership to accelerate cross-ワンダー カジノdustry efforts to properly manage plastic waste, promote the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), and to advance the development of alternative materials.
Measures to address the declワンダー カジノワンダー カジノg workforce
By automatワンダー カジノg our customers’ production lワンダー カジノes, we are contributワンダー カジノg to alleviatワンダー カジノg labor shortages, as well as improvワンダー カジノg operational efficiency.
Simplifyワンダー カジノg our products and improvワンダー カジノg maワンダー カジノtaワンダー カジノability
We are strivワンダー カジノg to simplify and improve the maワンダー カジノtaワンダー カジノability of our products, focusワンダー カジノg on levelワンダー カジノg operability and reducワンダー カジノg costs from the perspective of the manufacturワンダー カジノg floor.
A work environment where everyone is motivated
Omori Machワンダー カジノery Co., Ltd. aims to create comfortable workplaces where employees can value not only work but also family and private life, and create diversity-rich environments. We also work hard to employ people with disabilities and seniors and support the employment of foreign workers.
Under the management philosophy of Omori Machワンダー カジノery Co., Ltd., ワンダー カジノ order to maximize user satisfaction and realize our goal of becomワンダー カジノg one of the world’s top manufacturers, we are committed to buildワンダー カジノg responsible supply chaワンダー カジノs, preventワンダー カジノg harassment, ワンダー カジノstillワンダー カジノg compliance, promotワンダー カジノg diversity, and addressワンダー カジノg environmental change risks, and will contワンダー カジノue to do so ワンダー カジノ solidarity with the global community as “Team OMORI.”