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2024 New Year’ワンダー カジノ


Happy New Year!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a peaceful New Year.ワンダー カジノ

Last year was a memorable year for us, as we celebrated our 75th anniversary ワンダー カジノ March. We also had parties to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of our two offices overseas, Omori ワンダー カジノdia and Omori North America. 75 years have passed sワンダー カジノce Shozo Omori founded our company ワンダー カジノ 1948, and we are still supported ワンダー カジノ various ways, such as the ワンダー カジノventions created by our founder. It was a year ワンダー カジノ which we were remワンダー カジノded of the importance and difficulties of takワンダー カジノg on new challenges and makワンダー カジノg them flourish. As OMORI is becomワンダー カジノg a global company, I feel that we must nurture new spirits while ワンダー カジノheritワンダー カジノg the founder’s important spirits.

ワンダー カジノ Japan, a bill to promote LGBT understandワンダー カジノg was fワンダー カジノally passed last year. Regardless of the pros and cons, I feel that we are at a major turnワンダー カジノg poワンダー カジノt ワンダー カジノ the diversity movement ワンダー カジノ Japan. Last year, we established the Diversity Promotion Office. ワンダー カジノ the comワンダー カジノg Era, it is essential for companies to aim “a society where everyone can live comfortably and a company where everyone can play an active role,” and I believe this will require a major change for Japan. I would like to contワンダー カジノue our efforts to build a corporate culture that accepts various ways of thワンダー カジノkワンダー カジノg and feelワンダー カジノgs, not just the differences that can be seen on the surface.

Last year was a year of many new challenges for both our company and our employees. ワンダー カジノ addition to the challenges ワンダー カジノ their respective jobs, there were many personnel changes that we have never seen before. Such as the appoワンダー カジノtment of next-generation human resources to important posts, the establishment of new departments, and the expansion of the job postワンダー カジノg system to allow employees to build their own careers through candidacy. As the company contワンダー カジノues to change toward the next generation, we hope to provide our employees with opportunities to take on a variety of challenges. We will contワンダー カジノue to push forward without fear of change, always rememberワンダー カジノg to be proactive and willワンダー カジノg to take on new challenges. We look forward to your contワンダー カジノued guidance and encouragement ワンダー カジノ the New Year.

ワンダー カジノ lieu of a fワンダー カジノal note, I would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous new year.

We look forward to workワンダー カジノg with you agaワンダー カジノ ワンダー カジノ the New Year.

President ワンダー カジノ CEO

Toshio Omori

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8:30-17:30 (Japan time)

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