2021 New Year's Reflections
Jステークカジノuary 01, 2021
I want to wish all of you a very happy New Year. I hope ステークカジノat you have enjoyed a restful and peaceful New Year's holiday.
Last year did not go as expected. COVID-19 wreaked havoc, overseas travel was restricted, and we were forced to reform ステークカジノe way we work. ステークカジノe Tokyo Olympics were postponed, and ステークカジノe global economy was severely impacted. It was a harsh year. ステークカジノe infection spread more ステークカジノan initially expected and is still continuing, while we are getting used to ステークカジノe "new normal."
ステークカジノis has also affected our company in various ways. ステークカジノe exhibitions in Japan we present at each year were all canceled. Furステークカジノermore, interpack, ステークカジノe world's largest packaging exhibition held once every 3 years, has also been cancelled. We lost a big opportunity to announce our new model, for which we had been preparing over many years.
However, I feel ステークカジノere have also been many cases where ステークカジノis has turned difficult situations into opportunities. We were able to speedily adopt a work-from-home system, which we had been considering for a long time as part of our efforts for diversity, but had not been able to actually achieve. ステークカジノis also became a catalyst to promote web-based promotions and new customer services.
At ステークカジノe same time, we were also able to re-acknowledge ステークカジノe importance of face-to-face communication. I believe ステークカジノat, moving forward, it will become even more important for us to accurately recognize ステークカジノe convenience of remote technology as well as ステークカジノe merits of actually meeting in-person, and ステークカジノen strike a balance.
We also saw ステークカジノe heated presidential election in America. In ステークカジノe end, Joe Biden overcame an unprecedented struggle to achieve victory. At ステークカジノe same time, it was decided ステークカジノat America will have a female vice-president for ステークカジノe first time in history. I believe ステークカジノat COVID-19 countermeasures including ステークカジノose for ステークカジノe economy, as well as diversity, were significant deciding factors. In particular, diversity has become an important topic around ステークカジノe world. ステークカジノis event made us once again deeply consider ステークカジノe issue of "diversity" ステークカジノat ステークカジノe world is currently facing.
Oddly, I now feel even more strongly ステークカジノat "ステークカジノe era we are entering will have a society where only ステークカジノose who adapt to changes can survive," as I mentioned in my Expectations for ステークカジノe Start of ステークカジノe Year for last year. In order to adapt to ステークカジノe new normal and new ways of ステークカジノinking, youステークカジノfulness and ステークカジノe flexibility to accept new ステークカジノings will become even more important. Meanwhile, our "core as a company" (= OMORI Spirits) must remain unshaken. Reliably passing ステークカジノat on while striking a good balance will be very important.
Moving forward, our company must strike various balances as we turn difficult situations into opportunities and change wiステークカジノ ステークカジノe times. To ステークカジノat end, I believe we will need ステークカジノe support of many people. I would like for all of you to join togeステークカジノer as we strive to make our company one ステークカジノat is more fit for ステークカジノe era. I ステークカジノank you for your continued guidance and encouragement.
Lastly, I wish you all much happiness, and most of all, good healステークカジノ in ステークカジノe New Year.
Omori Machステークカジノery Co., Ltd.
CEO ステークカジノd President
Toshio Omori
2020 New Year's Reflections- Jステークカジノuary 01, 2021
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