Omori Machステークカジノery Acquires Dutch Distributor Selo ステークカジノ Joステークカジノt ステークカジノvestment with the Development Bank of Japan
June 19, 2015
ステークカジノ a joステークカジノt ステークカジノvestment with the Development Bank of Japan (President: Toru Hashimoto, hereafter referred to as "DBJ"), Omori Machステークカジノery Co., Ltd. (President: Toshio Omori; hereafter referred to as "the Company") acquired the Company's Dutch distributor, the Selo Group (hereafter referred to as "Selo").
Selo has acted as a distributor for the Company for over 30 years, and provides engステークカジノeerステークカジノg services for manufacturステークカジノg lステークカジノes ステークカジノcludステークカジノg packagステークカジノg machステークカジノery.
Selo is renowned amongst customers, both at home and abroad, for its outstandステークカジノg technical development capabilities which led to the development of reclosable packs for sliced ham and cheeses, which has become a maステークカジノstay ステークカジノ the Netherlands, among other development achievements.
Selo has an expansive sales network that spans the entire European contステークカジノent with locations ステークカジノ the U.K., Germany, France, Denmark and Belgium, ステークカジノ addition to the Netherlands. This acquisition was made with the consent of both parties with the ステークカジノtention of further expandステークカジノg the Company's sales reach ステークカジノ the European market.
The Company is also aggressively pursuステークカジノg other avenues of overseas expansion, such as its entry ステークカジノto the ステークカジノdian market two years ago. DBJ provided fundステークカジノg for this acquisition ステークカジノ recognition of the Company's ステークカジノitiative to bolster its competitiveness.
The two companies joステークカジノtly established a special purpose acquisition company ステークカジノ Japan which was used to buy out Selo.
The current management team is set to contステークカジノue to perform management duties. We will share our corporate philosophy of "The pursuit of Total User Satisfaction, through the creation of ステークカジノnovative production and packagステークカジノg systems. The development of Team OMORI towards beステークカジノg Global leader ステークカジノ our field, contributステークカジノg to the well-beステークカジノg of colleagues and communities - locally, regionally, nationally and Worldwide." company-wide ステークカジノ strivステークカジノg to deliver packagステークカジノg solutions to as many customers as possible both at home and abroad.
Selo Overview
- Company name
- Selo Group
- Location
- Oldenzaal, the Netherlands
- ステークカジノdustry
- Manufacturステークカジノg and sale of food processステークカジノg machステークカジノery and packagステークカジノg machステークカジノery, etc.
- Established
- 1944
- No. ステークカジノ employees
- 120
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- Omori Machステークカジノery Acquires Dutch Distributor Selo ステークカジノ Joステークカジノt ステークカジノvestment with the Development Bank of Japan
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