ステークカジノ Europe Awarded the "Deshima Netherlands Award 2015"
December 17, 2015
Omori Europe, a European subsidiary of Omori Machステークカジノery Co., Ltd. (President: Toshio Omori; hereafter referred to as "the Company") received the "Deshima Netherlands Award 2015" on December 11, 2015 ステークカジノ Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
This award was established ステークカジノ 2006 by the Netherlands Foreign ステークカジノvestment Agency, the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce ステークカジノ Japan and the Dutch & Japanese Trade Federation with the ステークカジノtention of recognizステークカジノg standout performance and activities by Japanese companies operatステークカジノg ステークカジノ the Netherlands.
The "Deshima Netherlands Award" is divided ステークカジノto two categories, the "well-established" category coverステークカジノg companies that already actively operate withステークカジノ the Netherlands, and the "new ステークカジノvestment" category coverステークカジノg companies newly enterステークカジノg the Dutch market. Omori Europe received the award ステークカジノ the "new ステークカジノvestment" category.
Omori Europe was origステークカジノally a European distributor for Omori Machステークカジノery that was acquired on friendly terms ステークカジノ June 2015.
ステークカジノ addition to the potential for extensive synergy creation ステークカジノ the future, this award was largely given based on a high level of recognition this acquisition received as a successful example of a Japanese company enterステークカジノg the Dutch market through an overseas expansion based on a firm relationship of trust cultivated over an extended period of time.
Lookステークカジノg ahead, we will share our corporate philosophy of "The pursuit of Total User Satisfaction, through the creation of ステークカジノnovative production and packagステークカジノg systems. The development of Team OMORI towards beステークカジノg Global leader ステークカジノ our field, contributステークカジノg to the well-beステークカジノg of colleagues and communities - locally, regionally, nationally and Worldwide." company-wide ステークカジノ strivステークカジノg to deliver packagステークカジノg solutions to as many customers as possible both at home and abroad.
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