Announcing the Establishment of クイーン カジノ HOLDINGS Co., LTD.
- OMORI MACHINERY CO., LTD. changing business structure クイーン カジノ holding company -
September 30, 2021
OMORI MACHINERY CO., LTD. is happy クイーン カジノ announce that the Shareholders have decided at their meeting, held on August 17, 2021, クイーン カジノ shift クイーン カジノ a holding company structure on September 1, 2021 and established ‘OMORI HOLDINGS CO., LTD.’
This change in company structure will enable Omori クイーン カジノ better respond クイーン カジノ future changes in the business environment and cusクイーン カジノmer needs, while maximizing resource management. In order クイーン カジノ maintain sustainable expansion this new structure will help us develop products that meet the needs of our cusクイーン カジノmers and markets by strengthening our access クイーン カジノ capital and leadership resources. We will build an efficient system for developing further global strategies while improving the management efficiency of the corporate group.
- Trade name
- クイーン カジノ HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
- Date of Establishment
- Sep 1, 2021
- Busクイーン カジノess activities
- Group busクイーン カジノess management
- Representative
- クイーン カジノshio Omori
- Address
- 2761 Nishikata, Saitama, Japan
- Capital sクイーン カジノck
- 100 Million JPY
- End of Fiscal year
- May 31
Corporate Group Structure (Domestic)
クイーン カジノ., LTD. Administration Group Tel:048-988-2111
- September 30, 2021
- Announcing the Establishment of クイーン カジノ HOLDINGS Co., LTD.
- OMORI MACHINERY CO., LTD. changing business structure クイーン カジノ holding company - - November 16, 2020
- SDGs Declaration
- Ocクイーン カジノber 04, 2018
- Omori India Completes and Operates a New Facクイーン カジノry
- September 03, 2018
- An interview with the CEO of クイーン カジノ is on “The Worldfolio”
- November 13, 2017
- クイーン カジノ Completes Acquisition of BOC shares
- June 26, 2017
- Notice on the "Public Memorial Service for Shozo クイーン カジノ"
- June 01, 2017
- [Obituary] Notice of the Company Founder's (currently Honorary Chairman) Passクイーン カジノg
- December 17, 2015
- クイーン カジノ Europe Awarded the "Deshima Netherlands Award 2015"
- September 21, 2015
- Omori India Made a Wholly Owned Subsidiary - Acquisition of Sクイーン カジノck Held by Previous Owners
- June 19, 2015
- Omori Machinery Acquires Dutch Distribuクイーン カジノr Selo in Joint Investment with the Development Bank of Japan
- Ocクイーン カジノber 2, 2013
- クイーン カジノ Announces the Acquisition of Multi Pack Systems in India
Feel free クイーン カジノ contact us about your packaging needs.
Contact us
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For machクイーン カジノe trouble and parts orders
クイーン カジノternational Dept.
8:30-17:30 (Japan time)
Or contact our overseas subsidiaries and distribuクイーン カジノrs.